The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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America: History & Life
Main private database (EBSCO) devoted to the history of Canada and the United States, with over 1,700 indexed journals. Significant content on the history of Indigenous Peoples, colonization, and exploration of the North. Features controlled vocabulary, via its index, that includes geographic terms.
Subjects: Colonization, Exploration, History, Indigenous peoples, Northern Canada
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- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Anthropology Plus
Main private database (EBSCO) devoted to anthropology, with references to journals from the 19th century to today. Also covers the fields of archeology, ethnology, folklore, material culture, and art history. It boasts rich content in Indigenous studies as well as a controlled vocabulary that allows users to search articles based on region and specific First Peoples.
Subjects: Anthropology, Archeology, Ethnology, Folklore, Indigenous peoples
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- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Arctic and Antarctic Regions
Database containing over 1.3 million references to journal articles and other research documents dealing with the Earth’s polar regions, some of them dating back to the 1800s. The main scientific database on the North and the Arctic produced by a private company (EBSCO). Features a controlled vocabulary in polar studies (available via the index) and offers content in natural sciences, engineering and technology, health, and humanities and social sciences.
Subjects: Earth sciences, Engineering, Environmental sciences, Exploration, Indigenous peoples, Oceanography
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- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Health Publications Database
Articles, reports, conference proceedings, and grey literature on the health of peoples of the North. Some publications are freely available.
Subjects: Environmental health, Food security, Indigenous peoples, Traditional medicine, Mental health
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- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

Articles, books, briefs, theses, and research reports on the Indigenous peoples of Quebec (in French only). Some publications are freely available.
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Bibliography of Native North Americans
Database containing over 300,000 records of journal articles, books, and government reports on Indigenous issues, including the themes of history, archeology, culture, governance, and intercultural relations. Its controlled vocabulary allows users to search by geographic region or Indigenous nation.
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database (ASTIS)
Records of publications on human health, including public health, medicine, and human biology in the circumpolar region. Subset of the ASTIS database.
Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Health, Indigenous peoples, Medicine, Public health
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- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study
A Canadian scope study on the benefits and risks of food and water in First Nations communities.
Subjects: Environmental health, Food security, Indigenous peoples, Water, Nutrition
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- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

Database featuring over 3 million references to journal articles and geoscience conference proceedings, including those in the fields of geography, earth sciences, ecology, geology, oceanography, and nature conservation. Boasts a rich controlled vocabulary accessible via a thesaurus that allows users to search by geographic region of the North and the Arctic. Also includes significant content on Indigenous studies.
Subjects: Conservation, Earth sciences, Ecology, Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples
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- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

High North Research Documents
Freely available articles, theses, reports, books, maps, videos, and other documents dealing with the North and the Far North.
Subjects: Caribou, Climate change, Ice, Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Oceanography, Permafrost, Sami, Tundra
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- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Hubert Wenger Eskimo Database
Bibliography of literature reporting first contact and first observations of the Inuit, hosted by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Indigenous Studies Portal
Books, articles, theses, and visual documents on Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. Allows users to search free-access content.
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Inuvialuit Settlement Region Database (ASTIS)
Contains descriptions of 13,200 research publications about the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories and Yukon.
Subjects: Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples, Inuvialuit, Social sciences, Northwest Territories, Yukon
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- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Knowledge Resources & Publications (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health)
Reports, articles, chapters, bulletins, and other documents dealing with the health and well-being of Canada’s First Nations. Freely available resource.
Subjects: Family health, Health policy, Indigenous peoples, Social determinants of health, Mental health
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- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

Native American Ethnobotany Database: Find Drug, Dyes, Fibre, Food by Indigenous group (University of Michigan)
A database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples from North America, Derived from Plants.
Subjects: Ethnobotany, Indigenous peoples, Traditional Diet, Traditional medicine
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- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

Nunavik Bibliography (ASTIS)
Contains 8,000 records of publications dealing with various facets of northern Quebec, including geoscience, life sciences, humanities, and social science.
Subjects: Earth sciences, Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples, Northern Quebec, Nunavik, Social sciences
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- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Nunavut Database (ASTIS)
Descriptions of nearly 35,000 grey literature publications (reports by government agencies, Inuit organizations, universities, and industry), journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, and books on Nunavut, the Canadian Arctic, and the circumpolar Arctic.
Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Environmental sciences, Inuit, Nunavut, Social sciences
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- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

PAIS Index
Base de données qui compte des références d’articles de revues, d’articles de conférences, de livres et de rapports sur les politiques publiques et sociales, les affaires publiques et les relations internationales. Produit pertinent pour différents domaines liés aux études nordiques, dont le développement économique, les questions judiciaires, d’éducation, de ressources naturelles, de droits humaines, etc. La base possède un riche vocabulaire contrôlé accessible par un thésaurus.
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Sahtu Settlement Area Database (ASTIS)
Some 2,100 records describing grey literature (reports by government agencies, Indigenous organizations, universities, and industry), journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, and books resulting from research projects in the Sahtu region in the Northwest Territories’ central MacKenzie Valley.
Subjects: Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples, Sahtu, Social sciences, Northwest Territories
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- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences