
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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Narrative of a voyage to Hudson’s Bay in His Majesty’s ship Rosamond containing some account of the north-eastern coast of America and of the tribes inhabiting that remote region

Narrative of a voyage to Hudson’s Bay in His Majesty’s ship Rosamond containing some account of the north-eastern coast of America and of the tribes inhabiting that remote region

An account of British Lieutenant Edward Chappell’s journey to Hudson Bay, published in 1817 and containing maps and illustrations. (Edward Chappell, London, J. Mawman, 1817, 279 p.)

Subjects: Hudson Bay, History, Exploration, British expeditions

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
SPRI Picture Library

SPRI Picture Library

One of the largest historical and contemporary photographic libraries related to Arctic and Antarctic exploration, housed by the Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge). Of particular interest is the Picture Library catalog, which gives access to more than 20,000 photographs of British expeditions carried out between 1845 and 1960.

Subjects: Scott Polar Research Institute, Photographs, Exploration, British expeditions

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences