
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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The Inuit and Northern experience

The Inuit and Northern experience

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

A report from the TRC discussing Inuit and other Northern Indigenous peoples’ experiences in the Residential School system. (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Montreal, Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016, 260 p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, Indian residential schools

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
The politics of arctic sovereignty: oil, ice, and Inuit governance

The politics of arctic sovereignty: oil, ice, and Inuit governance

Jessica M. Shadian

This book analyses and provides an account of the political history of Arctic sovereignty and the Inuit Circumpolar Council, from early explorations and colonization to present day issues. (Jessica M. Shadian, New York, Routledge/ Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, 252 p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, geopolitics, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
The settler colonial present

The settler colonial present

Lorenzo Veracini

This book discusses settler colonialism as a present issue that has continuing effect on Indigenous peoples. (Lorenzo Veracini, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 160 p. )

Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous studies

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Unfreezing the Arctic: science, colonialism, and the transformation of Inuit lands

Unfreezing the Arctic: science, colonialism, and the transformation of Inuit lands

Andrew Stuhl

This book analyses the impacts of colonialism on the climate crisis in the Arctic. (Andrew Stuhl, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2016, 232 p. )

Subjects: Climate change, Colonialism

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Wrestling with colonialism on steroids: Quebec Inuit fight for their homeland

Wrestling with colonialism on steroids: Quebec Inuit fight for their homeland

Zebedee Nungak

In this book, Zebedee Nungak provides his account of The Battle of James Bay from 1971-1975, where Inuit and Cree communities fought for their lands and waters against the Quebec government’s James Bay hydro project. (Zebedee Nungak, Montreal, Véhicule Press, 2017, 129p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous authors, Inuit, James Bay, Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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