
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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Early encounters in North America : peoples, cultures, and the environment

Early encounters in North America : peoples, cultures, and the environment

Letters, stories, accounts and images from more than 1400 authors about the first contacts between First Peoples and Europeans, between 1534 and 1850. Provides access to documents by people, places, years, type of environments, etc.

Subjects: Primary Sources, Indigenous peoples, First contact, Europe, Colonialism

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Hubert Wenger Eskimo Database

Hubert Wenger Eskimo Database

Bibliography of literature reporting first contact and first observations of the Inuit, hosted by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

Subjects: Literature, Inuit, First contact, Bibliography

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences