The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Arctic Portal Library
Collection of a thousand documents (books, articles, images, legal documents, etc.) published by the Arctic Council or the University of the Arctic, or as part of International Polar Year 2007-2008. A significant part of the collection is freely accessible.
Subjects: Natural Resources, Law, Indigenous peoples, Environmental sciences, Education, Culture
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Environmental Law, Sustainable Development and Food Security in Nunavik
Chapter dealing with environmental laws related to sustainable development in Nunavik. (Paule Halley et Marie-Josée Verrault, chapitre 10 de Sustainable Food Security in the Arctic, State of Knowledge, Québec/Edmonton, GÉTIC Université Laval/Canadian Circumpolar Institute University of Alberta, 2002, p. 177-188.)
Subjects: Nunavik, Northern Quebec, Sustainable development, Law, Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Le droit au froid : le combat d’une femme pour protéger sa culture, l’Arctique et notre planète
Climate change disrupts and threatens the Inuit way of life, their culture and their economic autonomy. Biographical story of an environmental activist (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007) who wants to make climate change a Human Rights issue. French version of “The right to be cold : One woman’s story of protecting her culture, the Arctic and the whole planet”. (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Montréal, Écosociété, 2019, 356 p.)
Subjects: Law, Inuit, Indigenous authors, Indigenous affairs, Climate change
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Les Innus et le territoire: Innu tipenitamun (BAnQ)
Book examining, from a territorial perspective, questions such as those of the universe of Innu society, its values and its legal order at the time of the arrival of Europeans and its subsequent transformation. The work is intended to be a contribution to the application of the principles of Innu and Nitassinan law.
Subjects: Law, Land occupancy, Innu territory
- Type of access
- Free - BAnQ Subscribers
- Printed document
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
Our Ways Will Continue On: Indigenous Approaches to Sustainability
Indigenous perspectives on sustainable development in international law. (Jeffrey Corntassel, The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights, 2011, p. 65-71.)
Subjects: Law, Indigenous peoples, Sustainable development
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

The right to be cold : One woman’s story of protecting her culture, the Arctic and the whole planet
Climate change disrupts and threatens the Inuit way of life, their culture and their economic autonomy. Biographical story of an environmental activist (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007) who wants to make climate change a human rights issue. Also available in French under the title “Le droit au froid : le combat d’une femme pour protéger sa culture, l’Arctique et notre planète” (2019). (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Toronto, Allen Lane, 2015, 356 p.)
Subjects: Inuit, Law, Indigenous authors, Indigenous affairs, Climate change
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Printed document
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences