The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Arctic and Antarctic Regions
Database containing over 1.3 million references to journal articles and other research documents dealing with the Earth’s polar regions, some of them dating back to the 1800s. The main scientific database on the North and the Arctic produced by a private company (EBSCO). Features a controlled vocabulary in polar studies (available via the index) and offers content in natural sciences, engineering and technology, health, and humanities and social sciences.
Subjects: Earth sciences, Engineering, Environmental sciences, Exploration, Indigenous peoples, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

ArcticNet Publications Database (ASTIS)
Cites over 3,800 publications from the ArcticNet network that cover natural sciences, health sciences, and social sciences.
Subjects: ArcticNet, Climate change, Hydrology, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Canadian International Polar Year (IPY) Publications Database (ASTIS)
Citations or full text of 4,800 documents on polar exploration and research carried out as part of International Polar Year, which date back to 1882.
Subjects: Hydrology, Northern Canada, Oceanography
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

EASI : earth and space index search
Database featuring publications (journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and videos) by the American Geophysical Union, from 1900 to today. Content relevant to northern and Arctic studies with regard to geoscience, marine science, and atmospheric science.
Subjects: Atmospheric sciences, Earth sciences, Oceanography
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Natural Sciences

High North Research Documents
Freely available articles, theses, reports, books, maps, videos, and other documents dealing with the North and the Far North.
Subjects: Caribou, Climate change, Ice, Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Oceanography, Permafrost, Sami, Tundra
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Photographic serie: supplying Hudson’s Bay Company posts and patrolling arctic waters (BAnQ)
Photographs taken during the summer of 1944 by the geographer Pierre Dagenais during a long-haul journey towards Labrador with stops at Cartwright, Hebron and Baffin (Cape Dorset) on board the Nascopie, a supply ship for remote posts of the Far North of the Hudson’s Bay Company. These annual excursions under the aegis of the federal government were designed to establish Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic and study related emerging issues. These photographs highlight scenes related to the provision of food and everyday consumer goods to island Inuit communities.
Subjects: Indigenous communities, Inuit, Navigation, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Russian Arctic Seas: Navigational conditions and accidents
Bilingual (Russian–English) accounts of activities in the Russian Arctic seas that have resulted in accidents. Specifically, the physical environment and navigation issues in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas. Half of the book is devoted to detailed descriptions of nearly 100 accidents caused by heavy ice conditions since 1900. The accidents are categorized according to type and cause, e.g., shipwrecks, forced drift (ice jets in one particular case), overwintering, and various types of vessel damage.
Subjects: Earth sciences, Environmental sciences, Oceanography, Russia
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology

The Eastern Arctic Seas Encyclopedia
Contains over 1,500 terms related to the physical and human geography, biology, transport communications, history, and protection of the Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas.
Subjects: Biology, Earth sciences, Eastern Arctic, History, Indigenous peoples, Oceanography
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

The Western Arctic Seas Encyclopedia
An encyclopedia designed to accumulate and systematize knowledge about three unique natural water areas—the Barents, White, and Kara Seas—and their rich features, the events that have taken place on their waters and shores, and the remarkable people whose lives were, and are, closely intertwined with these seas.
Subjects: Biology, Earth sciences, History, Western Arctic, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences