The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research
Arctic research continues to operate in a colonial framework and with an academic mindset that largely privileges the interests of southern institutions and fails to address Northern societal needs and issues, in particular those experienced in Inuit communities. We have seen research principles go from research on Inuit to research with Inuit, but it is high time we witnessed research by Inuit for Inuit. If research informs policy, and policy arguably leads to change, Inuit need to have a say in how research in Inuit Nunangat (Inuit homelands) is governed to better their lives. This piece filters such matters through the eyes of an Inuk, offering insights into current Arctic research governance, and maps out some of the solutions and opportunities for altering it in the interests of Inuit communities. (Pfeifer, P. (2019). “An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research.” Arctic Focus. [originally published by Northern Public Affairs, 2018])
Subjects: Canadian arctic, Inuit, Research ethics, Research methodologies, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Approche panterritoriale de la science (Gouvernement du Yukon, Gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et Gouvernement du Nunavut)
Presentation of an over-arching vision for northern science and the roles of the territorial governments and teaching and research institutes in the field.
Subjects: Arctic sciences, Nunavut, Research, Northwest Territories, Yukon
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Arctic and Antarctic Regions
Database containing over 1.3 million references to journal articles and other research documents dealing with the Earth’s polar regions, some of them dating back to the 1800s. The main scientific database on the North and the Arctic produced by a private company (EBSCO). Features a controlled vocabulary in polar studies (available via the index) and offers content in natural sciences, engineering and technology, health, and humanities and social sciences.
Subjects: Earth sciences, Engineering, Environmental sciences, Exploration, Indigenous peoples, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Arctic Health Publications Database
Articles, reports, conference proceedings, and grey literature on the health of peoples of the North. Some publications are freely available.
Subjects: Environmental health, Food security, Indigenous peoples, Traditional medicine, Mental health
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
Arctic Research Mapping Application
A Web application that allows users to view the locations of Arctic research projects funded by the United States.
Subjects: Cartography, Maps, United States, Research
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
ArcticNet Publications Database (ASTIS)
Cites over 3,800 publications from the ArcticNet network that cover natural sciences, health sciences, and social sciences.
Subjects: ArcticNet, Climate change, Hydrology, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
An Arctic Institute of North America resource featuring 16 databases containing publication and research project references about northern Canada.
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Free - Reference only
- Domain
- Natural Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Engineering and Technology
Articles, books, briefs, theses, and research reports on the Indigenous peoples of Quebec (in French only). Some publications are freely available.
Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Circumpolar Health Atlas
Uses maps, tables, charts, and images to describe and explain the major health problems of the diverse peoples who inhabit the circumpolar region of the northern hemisphere.
Subjects: Atlas, Circumpolar North, Health, Indigenous peoples, Maps, Medical care, Social determinants of health
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database (ASTIS)
Records of publications on human health, including public health, medicine, and human biology in the circumpolar region. Subset of the ASTIS database.
Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Health, Indigenous peoples, Medicine, Public health
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study
A Canadian scope study on the benefits and risks of food and water in First Nations communities.
Subjects: Environmental health, Food security, Indigenous peoples, Water, Nutrition
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
Google Scholar
A bibliographic search engine that indexes a considerable proportion of scientific publications made available in digital format by academic publishers, scholarly societies, and universities, including journal articles, reports, theses, e-books, and others. Full text (not just metadata) can be searched. Provides links to free-access content.
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
High North Research Documents
Freely available articles, theses, reports, books, maps, videos, and other documents dealing with the North and the Far North.
Subjects: Caribou, Climate change, Ice, Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Oceanography, Permafrost, Sami, Tundra
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Indigenous Research Statement of Principles (Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada)
Presentation of SSHRC’s commitment to support and promote research conducted by and with Indigenous Peoples.
Subjects: CIHR, Indigenous peoples, Research, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
Kluane Lake Research Station Bibliography (ASTIS)
References 1,100 publications of geoscience, biology, and high altitude physiology research conducted at the Kluane Lake Research Station in southwestern Yukon.
Subjects: Biology, Earth sciences, Kluane Lake, Physiology, Yukon
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Knowledge Resources & Publications (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health)
Reports, articles, chapters, bulletins, and other documents dealing with the health and well-being of Canada’s First Nations. Freely available resource.
Subjects: Family health, Health policy, Indigenous peoples, Social determinants of health, Mental health
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
Les Inuit et les Cris du Nord du Québec Territoire, gouvernance, société et culture (BAnQ)
This book consists of understanding how the Cree and Inuit populations of northern Quebec are building the foundations of a new institutional and social framework in the face of recent social changes while maintaining their traditions. Cree society and Inuit society are approached through the prism of three axes: territory-law-governance, society-environment-health and language-culture-heritage.
Subjects: geopolitics, Innu, Inuit, Land occupancy, Self-government, Politics
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Free - BAnQ Subscribers
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Mines en chiffres (Institut de la statistique du Québec)
Statistics on mineral production and mining investment in Quebec.
Subjects: Economy, Mine exploration, Mines, Quebec
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Native American Ethnobotany Database: Find Drug, Dyes, Fibre, Food by Indigenous group (University of Michigan)
A database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples from North America, Derived from Plants.
Subjects: Ethnobotany, Indigenous peoples, Traditional Diet, Traditional medicine
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
NCP Publications (ASTIS)
Descriptions of over 3,700 publications (books, reports, book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings and abstracts, and theses) resulting from the Northern Contaminants Program.
Subjects: Contaminants, Environmental sciences, Food, Northern Canada
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences