The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Les Inuit et les Cris du Nord du Québec Territoire, gouvernance, société et culture (BAnQ)
This book consists of understanding how the Cree and Inuit populations of northern Quebec are building the foundations of a new institutional and social framework in the face of recent social changes while maintaining their traditions. Cree society and Inuit society are approached through the prism of three axes: territory-law-governance, society-environment-health and language-culture-heritage.
Subjects: geopolitics, Innu, Inuit, Land occupancy, Self-government, Politics
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Free - BAnQ Subscribers
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Nested federalism and Inuit governance in the Canadian Arctic
This book analyses the transition towards Inuit self-governance in Nunavik, the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, and Nunatsiavut in the Canadian Arctic. (Gary N. Wilson, Christopher Alcantara, and Thierry Rodon, Vancouver, UBC Press, 2020, 207 p. )
Subjects: Inuit, Self-government, Colonialism
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Treaties with American Indians : an encyclopedia of rights, conflicts, and sovereignty
Présentation des traités réalisés avec plus de 500 peuples ou groupes autochtones concernant le partage des terres, l’autonomie gouvernementale, la protection culturelle et l’aide financière.
Subjects: Treaties, Self-government, Land sharing, History, Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Domain