
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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Arctic Portal Library

Arctic Portal Library

Collection of a thousand documents (books, articles, images, legal documents, etc.) published by the Arctic Council or the University of the Arctic, or as part of International Polar Year 2007-2008. A significant part of the collection is freely accessible.

Subjects: Natural Resources, Law, Indigenous peoples, Environmental sciences, Education, Culture

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Cartes du Nord (Gouvernement du Canada)

Cartes du Nord (Gouvernement du Canada)

Selection of Natural Resources Canada maps on coastal areas, ice, snow, permafrost, and more.

Subjects: Natural Resources, Northern Canada, Maps

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Données Québec – Environnement, ressources naturelles et énergie (Gouvernement du Québec)

Données Québec – Environnement, ressources naturelles et énergie (Gouvernement du Québec)

Selection of geospatial data from Quebec’s Department of Energy and Natural Resources.

Subjects: Natural Resources, Quebec, Geospatial data, Energy, Cartography

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
    • Engineering and Technology
Floating coast : An environmental history of the Bering Strait

Floating coast : An environmental history of the Bering Strait

Documentary work on the history of peoples, animal species and environmental changes specific to the Bering Strait. The author notably explores the impact of the economy and the exploitation of natural resources on the delicate balance of this remote area. (Bathsheba Demuth, New York, Norton & Company, 2019, 416 p.)

Subjects: Natural Resources, Politics, History, Bering Strait, Environmental changes

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
PAIS Index

PAIS Index

Base de données qui compte des références d’articles de revues, d’articles de conférences, de livres et de rapports sur les politiques publiques et sociales, les affaires publiques et les relations internationales. Produit pertinent pour différents domaines liés aux études nordiques, dont le développement économique, les questions judiciaires, d’éducation, de ressources naturelles, de droits humaines, etc. La base possède un riche vocabulaire contrôlé accessible par un thésaurus.

Subjects: Economy, Natural Resources, Education, Public policy

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Photographic serie: Montagnais and Naskapi communities of the Côte-Nord and Labrador (BAnQ)

Photographic serie: Montagnais and Naskapi communities of the Côte-Nord and Labrador (BAnQ)

This photographic series was taken by Paul Provencher and bears witness to his career as a forest engineer for the Quebec North Shore company between 1929 and 1963. During this period, he explored, surveyed and inventoried the boreal forest of the Côte-Nord and du Labrador. He meets and accompanies the Innu along the Manicouagan and Toulnustouc rivers and visits the communities of Betsiamites (Pessamit), Sept-Îles (Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam), La Romaine (Unamen Shipi), Moisie Fort Mackenzie (Kawawachikamach, Matimekosh). His photographs bear witness to the Innu-aitun culture and promote the recognition of ancestral aboriginal practices that have been tested and proven for centuries.

Subjects: Innu, Natural Resources, Labrador, Innu-aitun, Innu territory, Forests, Forestry, Cultural identity, Côte-Nord

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
    • Humanities and Social Sciences