
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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A tea in the tundra: nipishapui nete mushuat

A tea in the tundra: nipishapui nete mushuat

Joséphine Bacon

Finalist for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal 2014, this english translation of the poetry of Joséphine Bacon, Innu of Betsiamites, takes on the words that lead us to the heart of the tundra and closer to the people who live there.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu territory, Innu-aimun

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A.C.R. Grønland : l’univers mystérieux et intime d’un Nord disparu = En personlig og gådefuld verden fra et forsvundet nord = The private and mysterious world of a lost North

A.C.R. Grønland : l’univers mystérieux et intime d’un Nord disparu = En personlig og gådefuld verden fra et forsvundet nord = The private and mysterious world of a lost North

Trilingual album (French, Danish, English) of photographs of a Greenlandic colony at the beginning of the 20th century. (Daniel Chartier, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, coll. «Imagoborealis», 2009, 48 p. )

Subjects: Greenland, History, Photographs

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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Aboriginal Populations : Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives

Aboriginal Populations : Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives

Maps and compares the social, demographic and health conditions of indigenous peoples of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the circumpolar North.

Subjects: Demography, Epidemiology, Health, Indigenous peoples, Maps

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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Alberta elders’ Cree dictionary = Alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan

Alberta elders’ Cree dictionary = Alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan

Dictionary of the Cree language with English–Cree and Cree–English sections.

Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Annie Muktuk and other stories

Annie Muktuk and other stories

In this notorious novel, Norma Dunning portrays the unvarnished realities of northern life through gritty characters who find themselves in difficult situations. Her stories challenge southern perceptions of the north and Inuit life through evocative, nuanced voices accented with Inuktitut words and symbolism.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Inuit

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Arctica, oeuvres 1 : Écosystème arctique en haute latitude

Arctica, oeuvres 1 : Écosystème arctique en haute latitude

This first volume of Arctica is devoted to Jean Malaurie’s work on Arctic ecosystems at high latitudes: findings from expeditions, observations, notes and reflections published since the end of the 1940s, with some unpublished material. (Jean Malaurie, Paris, CNRS, 2016.)

Subjects: Ethnology, Geology, geopolitics, Greenland, History

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Arctica, oeuvres 2 : Tchoukotka 1990 : de Lénine à la Pérestroïka

Arctica, oeuvres 2 : Tchoukotka 1990 : de Lénine à la Pérestroïka

In 1990, a scientific expedition under the direction of Jean Malaurie sought to examine the consequences of policies aimed at the autonomy of peoples in Siberia from Lenin to Gorbachev. These 59 articles analyze the social, economic, health-related and cultural conditions of the eastern district of Chukotka, with a particular focus on shamanism. (Jean Malaurie, Paris, CNRS, 2019, 766 p.)

Subjects: Ethnology, History, Indigenous peoples, Siberia

  • Type of access
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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Arctica, oeuvres 3 : Nunavut, Nunavik : Arctique central canadien et nord-québécois

Arctica, oeuvres 3 : Nunavut, Nunavik : Arctique central canadien et nord-québécois

In 1968, Jean Malaurie conducted a field survey in Quebec with four specialists to study the living conditions of the Inuit, in anticipation of the creation of the Nunavik territory. The analyses and recommendations of his pro-Native report are collected, as well as articles published since the 1960s devoted to the defence of Canada’s Arctic minorities. (Jean Malaurie, Paris, CNRS, 2020, 406 p.)

Subjects: Inuit, Northern Quebec, Social sciences, Northwest Territories

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Arctique, l’histoire secrète : de Pythéas à Poutine, une lutte de 2500 ans

Arctique, l’histoire secrète : de Pythéas à Poutine, une lutte de 2500 ans

History of the conquest of the Arctic, from the first explorers to the present day. (Dominique Le Brun Paris, Omnibus, 2018, 662 p.)

Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Exploration

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals (BAnQ)

Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals (BAnQ)

This annotated, bilingual bibliography takes stock of magazines, journals, newspapers and newsletters published by or about the Inuit of Canada for over 100 years – more specifically since the publication of the very first Canadian periodical in Inuktitut, Aglait Illunainortut, in Labrador. in 1902.

Subjects: Bibliography, Inuit

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Bleuets et abricots

Bleuets et abricots

In Bleuets et apricots, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine’s poems bring to the fore the voices of indigenous women who stand up against the wounds of colonization. With the blueberry, native fruit of the Nordic territory, and the large apricots of Haiti, she invites dialogue, reconciliation and links that enrich peoples. This work earned her a nomination as a finalist for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal.

Subjects: Côte-Nord, Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu-aitun

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Carcajou à l’aurore du monde : fragments écrits d’une encyclopédie orale innue (BAnQ)

Carcajou à l’aurore du monde : fragments écrits d’une encyclopédie orale innue (BAnQ)

This book immerses us in the boreal universe of Carcajou, this strange and fabulous being who populates the legends of northern Quebec and Labrador. In the 1970s, Savard recorded narrative sequences of this character after interviewing storytellers from the Ungava Valley and Sheshatshiu in Labrador.

Subjects: Atanukans, Innu, Innu-aitun, Mythology, Oral narratives

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Circling the midnight sun: Culture and change in the invisible Arctic

Circling the midnight sun: Culture and change in the invisible Arctic

Over the course of three years, James Raffan circumnavigated the globe at 66.6 degrees latitude: the Arctic Circle. He set out to put a human face on climate change. In Circling the Midnight Sun, Raffan presents a warm-hearted, engaging portrait of the circumpolar world, but also a deeply affecting story of societies and landscapes in the throes of enormous change. (James Raffan, Toronto, HarperCollins Canada, 2014, 400 p.)

Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Climate change

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Comment je perçois la vie, Grand-Mère : Eshi uapataman Nukum

Comment je perçois la vie, Grand-Mère : Eshi uapataman Nukum

This collection by Rita Mestokosho, Innu woman from the community of Ekuanitshit (Mingan), offers eight Innu-French bilingual texts, then twelve written directly in French.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Poetry

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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Croc fendu

Croc fendu

Novel mixing myth and reality, poetry and prose, telling the childhood in the 1970s of a pregnant girl in Nunavut. The beauty of the place rubs shoulders with the ravages caused by alcohol and violence. Spirits and animals are also present. The author, Tanya Tagaq Gillis, is an internationally renowned Inuit artist who incorporates, among other things, throat singing into her musical pieces.

Subjects: Culture, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Inuit

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Dictionnaire montagnais-français

Dictionnaire montagnais-français

Innu language dictionary compiled from sources in the community of Betsiamites (Pessamit) on Quebec’s North Shore.

Subjects: Betsiamites, Indigenous peoples, Innu, Innu dictionary, Innu language, Innu-aimun, Pessamit

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Do not enter my soul in your shoes : poems

Do not enter my soul in your shoes : poems

This first collection of poems by Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, Innu native of Pessamit on the North Shore of Quebec, is a dive into the female body, accompanied by a poetic reflection on exile and the feeling of love. It has received critical acclaim and won the 2013 Société des Ecrivains Francophones d’Amérique Award of Excellence

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Poetry

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Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Originally published in 1894 as a part of the eleventh annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, this reissue of Lucien M. Turner’s classic book chronicles his observations of Indigenous culture on his journey along the Quebec-Labrador coast and during his stay in Fort-Chimo towards the end of the 19th century.

Subjects: Culture, Exploration, Innu, Innu-aitun, Inuit

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

In this novel, Antane Kapesh wrote to preserve and share her culture, experience, and knowledge, all of which, she felt, were disappearing at an alarming rate because many Elders – like herself – were aged or dying. She wanted to publicly denounce the conditions in which she and the Innu were made to live, and to address the changes she was witnessing due to land dispossession and loss of hunting territory, police brutality, and the effects of the residential school system.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous literature, Innu-aimun, Innu-aitun

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    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
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  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Floating coast : An environmental history of the Bering Strait

Floating coast : An environmental history of the Bering Strait

Documentary work on the history of peoples, animal species and environmental changes specific to the Bering Strait. The author notably explores the impact of the economy and the exploitation of natural resources on the delicate balance of this remote area. (Bathsheba Demuth, New York, Norton & Company, 2019, 416 p.)

Subjects: Bering Strait, Environmental changes, History, Politics, Natural Resources

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
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