The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Alberta elders’ Cree dictionary = Alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan
Dictionary of the Cree language with English–Cree and Cree–English sections.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Free - BAnQ Subscribers
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Atlas des activités des chasseurs et piégeurs cris de Eeyou Istchee (Réseau DIALOG)
Interactive map of the activities of hunters and trappers in nine Cree communities in Eeyou Istchee (James Bay region) produced using annual statistical data (1977 to 2011) from the Cree Hunters and Trappers Income Security Board.
Subjects: Atlas, Cree, Hunting and fishing, Indigenous peoples, Maps
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Cree Vision of Plan Nord
Presentation of the Cree people’s vision of the Northern Plan, including issues of governance, environmental protection, mining, economic development, transportation, tourism, and Cree culture and identity. (Cree Nations of Eeyou Istchee, 2011, 115 p.)
Subjects: Cree, Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous peoples, Northern Quebec, Plan Nord
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Dictionnaire français-cri
A dictionary of the Quebec Cree dialect spoken by the Cree on the East Coast of James Bay and in some communities inland.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, James Bay, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Early Books in Aboriginal Languages : Witnesses of Founding Cultures (BAnQ)
Published between 1556 and 1900, these works contain concrete traces of the linguistic heritage of the first Aboriginal peoples who inhabited what is now Quebec: Iroquoian languages (including Mohawk and Wendat), Algonquian (including Algonquin, Abenaki, Cree, Innu, Mi’kmaq) as well as Inuktitut. These are alphabet books, syllabaries, grammars, dictionaries, lexicons, reading books and other textbooks. This collection also sheds light on the history of relations between indigenous communities and European settlers.
Subjects: Algonquins, Colonialism, Cree, Indigenous authors, Indigenous languages, Innu language, Linguistic
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Eastern James Bay Cree-English-French Dictionary
A dictionary created by EastCree.Org, a non-profit partnership between the Cree School Board and Prof. Marie-Odile Junker at Carleton University, Ottawa.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, James Bay
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Ililîmôwasinahikan : Ililîmowin – Wemištikôšmowin = A dictionary of Moose Cree : Cree – English
Dictionary of the Moose Cree dialect spoken by the Cree in Moose Factory, Ontario, south of Hudson Bay.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dialects, Cree dictionary, Hudson Bay, Indigenous peoples, Moose Cree
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Online Cree Dictionary
English–Cree dictionary in syllabics and Roman orthography. Produced by Miyo Wahkohtowin Education and the University of Alberta.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, Syllabic writing
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences