
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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Empire Online

Empire Online

Manuscripts, printed works, correspondence, maps, photographs, etc., related to history, politics, culture and colonial societies from the collections of 23 libraries in the United States and the United Kingdom. Opportunity to filter by geographic region (North America).

Subjects: Colonialism, History, Indigenous peoples, Politics, Primary Sources

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Encyclopedia of North American Indians

Encyclopedia of North American Indians

Encyclopedia featuring articles by 260 specialists on the tribes, main languages, key figures, historic events, and other topics related to North American Indigenous Peoples.


Subjects: History, Indigenous languages, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Encyclopedia of snow, ice and glaciers

Encyclopedia of snow, ice and glaciers

An encyclopedia with a focus on the formation of snow and the transformation of snow to ice, as well as the classification of ice and glaciers, hydrology and sedimentary systems, permafrost, and the impact of climate change.

Subjects: Climate change, Hydrology, Ice, Snow, Permafrost

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Originally published in 1894 as a part of the eleventh annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, this reissue of Lucien M. Turner’s classic book chronicles his observations of Indigenous culture on his journey along the Quebec-Labrador coast and during his stay in Fort-Chimo towards the end of the 19th century.

Subjects: Culture, Exploration, Innu, Innu-aitun, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Études Inuit Studies (CIÉRA, Université Laval)

Études Inuit Studies (CIÉRA, Université Laval)

This international journal is devoted to the study of all traditional and contemporary Inuit societies from a broad social science and humanities perspective. (Québec, Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones, 1977 to the present.)

Subjects: Culture, Indigenous studies

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

In this novel, Antane Kapesh wrote to preserve and share her culture, experience, and knowledge, all of which, she felt, were disappearing at an alarming rate because many Elders – like herself – were aged or dying. She wanted to publicly denounce the conditions in which she and the Innu were made to live, and to address the changes she was witnessing due to land dispossession and loss of hunting territory, police brutality, and the effects of the residential school system.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous literature, Innu-aimun, Innu-aitun

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Expédition Coppermine (1819-1822) (Géoindex)

Expédition Coppermine (1819-1822) (Géoindex)

This collection of 6 layers of geospatial data is a spatial and historical reference tool on the Coppermine expedition headed by British explorer John Franklin between 1819 and 1822. An educational and research tool for the polar regions.

Subjects: Cartography, Coppermine expedition, Exploration, Geospatial data, John Franklin

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Fatty Legs: A True Story

Fatty Legs: A True Story

A memoir of Margaret Pokiak-Fenton’s experience at a northern Residential School. (Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, Toronto, Annick Press, 104 p.)

Subjects: Indian residential schools

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Fichier de limites cartographique de Statistiques Canada (2016) (Géoindex)

Fichier de limites cartographique de Statistiques Canada (2016) (Géoindex)

A collection of 13 layers of geospatial data representing the boundaries of census data release units by Statistics Canada. When used in conjunction with census data, these files are useful for thematic mapping.

Subjects: Cartography, Census, Geospatial data

Finding Franklin : The untold story of a 165-year search

Finding Franklin : The untold story of a 165-year search

Account of the many research projects that have tried to unravel the mystery of the greatest enigma in the history of polar exploration, the Franklin’s lost expedition. (Russell A. Potter, Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016, 262 p.)

Subjects: Exploration, John Franklin

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters

Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters

Printed books, government, legal and commercial documents, newspapers and magazines, maps, photographs, etc., dealing with the theme of the borderlands and colonization during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Includes 18 archival collections from the United States and Canada, including the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives (Archives of Manitoba) and thematic guides on First Nations, exploration, expeditions and travel.

Subjects: Borders, Colonialism, Exploration, Hudson’s Bay Company, Indigenous peoples, Primary Sources

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences


Database featuring over 3 million references to journal articles and geoscience conference proceedings, including those in the fields of geography, earth sciences, ecology, geology, oceanography, and nature conservation. Boasts a rich controlled vocabulary accessible via a thesaurus that allows users to search by geographic region of the North and the Arctic. Also includes significant content on Indigenous studies.

Subjects: Conservation, Earth sciences, Ecology, Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences


Database produced by the American Geosciences Institute, with over 3.6 million references to journal articles and conference proceedings on geoscience, including geology, stratigraphy, petrology, and hydrology. GeoRef boasts a controlled vocabulary accessible via a thesaurus that allows users to search by geographic region of the North and the Arctic.

Subjects: Earth sciences, Environmental sciences, Geology, Hydrology, Petrology

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Handbook of the politics of the Arctic

Handbook of the politics of the Arctic

A reference work devoted to contemporary geopolitical issues related to climate change, Indigenous Peoples, energy, borders, marine resources, and pollution.

Subjects: Borders, Climate change, Energy, geopolitics, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Hidden in plain sight: contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canadian identity and culture

Hidden in plain sight: contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canadian identity and culture

This book offers an Indigenous perspective to Canadian and Aboriginal history, demonstrating the significant contributions Indigenous peoples have made and are making to the development of Canadian identity, politics, education, and culture, etc. (David Newhouse, Cora Voyageur, Daniel Beavon eds., Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2005, 491 p.)

Subjects: Decolonization, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Historical dictionary of the Inuit

Historical dictionary of the Inuit

A dictionary with over 450 articles on the social, political, economic, educational, and environmental history of the Inuit in the Circumpolar North.

Subjects: History, Indigenous peoples, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Hunter with Harpoon (BAnQ)

Hunter with Harpoon (BAnQ)

Published fifty years ago under the title Harpoon of the Hunter, Markoosie Patsauq’s novel helped establish the genre of Indigenous fiction in Canada. This new English translation unfolds the story of Kamik, a young hero who comes to manhood while on a perilous hunt for a wounded polar bear. In this astonishing tale of a people struggling for survival in a brutal environment, Patsauq describes a life in the Canadian Arctic as one that is reliant on cooperation and vigilance.

Subjects: Canadian arctic, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Indigenous Peoples. North America

Indigenous Peoples. North America

Includes extensive monograph, manuscript, newspaper, periodical and photograph collections. McGill has text mining rights for Gale Databases for our researchers. Please contact a librarian for more information.

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, North America, Primary Sources

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Indigenous writes : A guide to First Nations, Métis and Inuit issues in Canada

Indigenous writes : A guide to First Nations, Métis and Inuit issues in Canada

A collection of committed essays by Metis activist, teacher and intellectual Chelsea Vowel on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada, aimed at breaking down the misconceptions still entrenched in the consciousness of non-Indigenous people, and thus offering the reader a straightforward conversation about various difficult First Nations related issues. (Chelsea Vowel, Winnipeg, HighWater Press, 2016, 290 p.)


  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences


Database covering the fields of electronic, electrical, and computer engineering, including IT. Contains over 15 million references to journal articles and conference proceedings. Also features a thesaurus with a rich controlled vocabulary.

Subjects: Computer engineering, Electrical engineering, Information technology, Physical sciences

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Engineering and Technology
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