
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

Thematic collections


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Jardin de givre collection

Jardin de givre collection

The literary works in this collection, published by the International Laboratory for Research on the Imaginary of the North, Winter and the Arctic, aim to document, study and interpret the northern Quebecois and circumpolar imagination from a multicultural perspective, comparative and multidisciplinary. They particularly value comparisons between the cultures of Quebec, Scandinavia, Finland and the Inuit world.

Subjects: Inuit

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Je te veux vivant

Je te veux vivant

This collection of poetry by Virginia Pésémapéo-Bordeleau, a Cree Métis born in Rapides-des-Cèdres, inspires hope and life, despite the suffering of mourning and loneliness. The author takes us on two trajectories of pain which, upon leaving, defeat death.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Poetry

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Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau : autobiographie (1914-1993) = Inunnik isumainnaqiqujigiallapunga : Inuusirminik allagaliavininga (1914-mit 1993-mut)

Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau : autobiographie (1914-1993) = Inunnik isumainnaqiqujigiallapunga : Inuusirminik allagaliavininga (1914-mit 1993-mut)

Taamusi Qumaq (1914-1993), considered one of the great thinkers of the Inuit of Nunavik, devoted his life to recording the lives of his people and their language, while recording the great changes of the 20th century. His autobiography, translated into French and available for the first time in its original language, is a document of great importance that opens up a compelling cultural universe. (Taamusi Qumaq Allatangit, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2020, 309 p.)

Subjects: Cultural identity, History, Inuit, Nunavik

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Keetsahnak: our missing and murdered indigenous sisters

Keetsahnak: our missing and murdered indigenous sisters

With essays from Indigenous women, this book analyses colonial violence within what is now called “Canada” and provides an anti-violence model from an Indigenous perspective. (Kim Anderson, Maria Campbell & Christi Belcourt eds., Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 2018, 400 p. )

Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous authors, Indigenous women

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Knowledge Resources & Publications (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health)

Knowledge Resources & Publications (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health)

Reports, articles, chapters, bulletins, and other documents dealing with the health and well-being of Canada’s First Nations. Freely available resource.

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    • Health Sciences
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This novel by Naomi Fontaine is presented as a series of prose poems which introduces the reader to the daily life on an Innu reserve and which tenderly displays, but without any concession, the character, customs, feelings, and passions of a young Innu who courageously negotiates the comings and goings between the reserve and the city, so common for the people of Uashat-Maliotenan.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu-aitun

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This novel by Innu author and journalist Michel Jean, from the Mashteuiatsh community, tells the story of the brutal sedentarization of the Innu through the unique story of his great-grandmother. This work, which won the France-Quebec Literary Prize, immerses the reader in the life of Almanda Siméon, a white woman who will choose a nomadic life by marrying an Innu from Mashteuiatsh.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu territory, Sedentarization

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Kuujjuaq: Memories and musings

Kuujjuaq: Memories and musings

Autobiography of Kuujjuaq elder, Dorothy Mesher. (Dorothy Mesher, Duncan BC, Unica Publishing Company, 1995, 123 p.)

Subjects: Cultural identity, Indigenous authors, Inuit

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L’appel de l’Arctique

L’appel de l’Arctique

In this travelogue with a preface by Jean Malaurie, Jean-Marc Huguet, Doctor of Education, travels through the territories of the Great North, the lands of Ellesmere, Baffin, Greenland and Svalbard, regions that compel the traveller to cast his gaze far and wide. (Jean-Marc Huguet, Paris, Harmattan, 2010, 167 p.)

Subjects: Culture, Exploration

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L’esprit du Nord : propos sur l’autochtonie québécoise

L’esprit du Nord : propos sur l’autochtonie québécoise

Collection of essays on the themes of Aboriginal peoples and nordicity by a non-Aboriginal man, lover of the North. (Jean Désy, Montréal, XYZ, 2010, 225 p.)

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Nordicity

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La forêt vive : récits fondateurs du peuple innu (BAnQ)

La forêt vive : récits fondateurs du peuple innu (BAnQ)

This book is made up of four chapters each presenting a legend relating to an aspect of Innu mythology. Each caption is followed by an explanatory text in which the author describes variations that can be found in other storytellers or among other indigenous groups.


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La nordicité du Québec : entretiens avec Louis-Edmond Hamelin

La nordicité du Québec : entretiens avec Louis-Edmond Hamelin

Interviews with the father of nordicity on the major themes that shaped his singular intellectual approach: Northern Quebec, Indigenous Peoples, winter and the creation of words to describe the cold world. (Louis-Edmond Hamelin, Jean Désy, Daniel Chartier, Robert Fréchette, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014, 141 p.)

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Linguistic, Winter, Northern Quebec, Nordicity

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La saga des Béothuks

La saga des Béothuks

Historical, mythological, ethnographic, this novel is a masterful work by Bernard Assiniwi, of Cree origin, which won him the France-Quebec Jean-Hamelin Prize in 1997. It makes a fascinating contribution to the rediscovery of indigenous societies, at the same time. time it sheds light on a particularly dramatic episode in the white conquest of America.

Subjects: Colonization, Ethnology, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Mythology

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Labrador Inuttut Dictionary

Labrador Inuttut Dictionary

Inuttut–English and English–Inuttut dictionary produced by the Virtual Museum of Labrador. Inuttut is a dialect of Inuktitut spoken in Labrador.

Labrador. ᓚᐸᑐᐊ.

Labrador. ᓚᐸᑐᐊ.

Trilingual album (French, Inuktitut, English) illustrated with photographs by Bob Mesher, Inuit of Nunavik. (Bob Mesher and Danielle Schaub, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, coll. «Imagoborealis», 2014, 90 p.)

Subjects: Inuit, Labrador, Photographs

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Le bestiaire innu : les quadrupèdes (BAnQ)

Le bestiaire innu : les quadrupèdes (BAnQ)

This encyclopedic-type book brings together Innu knowledge concerning a selection of twenty quadrupeds, ranging from black bears and caribou to various species of mice, including beavers, wolves, hares, dogs and many others. It is based on ethnographic data, historians, missionaries, naturalists, biologists and even accounts from explorers who have traveled through northern Quebec.

Subjects: Animals, Hunting and fishing, Innu, Innu-aitun

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Le droit au froid : le combat d’une femme pour protéger sa culture, l’Arctique et notre planète

Le droit au froid : le combat d’une femme pour protéger sa culture, l’Arctique et notre planète

Climate change disrupts and threatens the Inuit way of life, their culture and their economic autonomy. Biographical story of an environmental activist (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007) who wants to make climate change a Human Rights issue. French version of “The right to be cold : One woman’s story of protecting her culture, the Arctic and the whole planet”. (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Montréal, Écosociété, 2019, 356 p.)

Subjects: Climate change, Indigenous affairs, Indigenous authors, Inuit, Law

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Le Nord : habitants et mutations

Le Nord : habitants et mutations

Historical atlas with rich textual content about the inhabitants of the North (people of the North Shore, Innu, Cree, Naskapi, and Inuit), exploration of the territory, and its maps, as well as industrialization of the region.

Subjects: Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Maps, Migration, Northern Quebec

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Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires

Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires

A collection of comparative and thematic studies by European authors on the idea of the North in literature. (Monique Dubar et al., Villeneuve d’Ascq : Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3, 2000, 490 p.)

Subjects: Imaginary North, Literature, Northern Europe

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Le peuple rieur : hommage à mes amis innus

Le peuple rieur : hommage à mes amis innus

History of the Innu from their origins to the present day, written by an anthropologist, Serge Bouchard, who has been around this people for 50 years. (Serge Bouchard & Marie-Christine Lévesque, Montréal, Lux éditeur, 2017, 320 p.)

Subjects: History, Indigenous peoples, Innu

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