
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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Northern visions : new perspectives on the North in Canadian history

Northern visions : new perspectives on the North in Canadian history

A collection of essays presenting a variety of perspectives on the history of the North and on research into the history of the Canadian North. (Kerry Abel et Ken S. Coates, Peterborough : Broadview Press, 2001, 224 p.)

Subjects: History, Northern Canada, Research

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Nunavut Atlas

Nunavut Atlas

Atlas depicting land and resource use as claimed by the Inuit as part of the process of the creation of Nunavut. Includes maps on the communities, wildlife, and geographic boundaries of the Inuit world.

Subjects: Borders, Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Maps, Nunavut

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
On decoloniality: concepts, analytics, praxis

On decoloniality: concepts, analytics, praxis

A book that combines theory and historical and current perspectives to explore decolonization, and what it means to think and live with decolonization in mind. (Walter D. Mignolo and Catherine E. Walsh, Durham, Duke University Press, 2018, 291 p. )

Subjects: Decolonization

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Orthophotographie noir et blanc des villages nordiques 1/10 000 (2004) (Géoindex)

Orthophotographie noir et blanc des villages nordiques 1/10 000 (2004) (Géoindex)

Set of 161 digital orthophotos representing northern villages (1:10,000).

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Orthophotographs, Quebec, Villages

Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic

Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic

Handbook on the cultural history of the Arctic, covering topics such as climate change impacts on human societies and European colonial expansion.

Subjects: Climate change, Colonialism, History, Indigenous peoples, Prehistory

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
PAIS Index

PAIS Index

Base de données qui compte des références d’articles de revues, d’articles de conférences, de livres et de rapports sur les politiques publiques et sociales, les affaires publiques et les relations internationales. Produit pertinent pour différents domaines liés aux études nordiques, dont le développement économique, les questions judiciaires, d’éducation, de ressources naturelles, de droits humaines, etc. La base possède un riche vocabulaire contrôlé accessible par un thésaurus.

Subjects: Economy, Education, Public policy, Natural Resources

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Parc national du Québec (Géoindex)

Parc national du Québec (Géoindex)

Layer of geospatial data representing Quebec’s provincial parks in the form of polygons, scale 1:100,000.

Subjects: Geospatial data, National parks, Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Polar explorations (National Geographic Society)

Polar explorations (National Geographic Society)

Documentary series produced by the National Geographic Society and focusing on the two most extreme areas of the planet: the Arctic and the Antarctic. Discover the typical landscapes, the inhabitants, the wildlife and much more in this high quality educational series (22 episodes).

Subjects: Arctic fauna, Geology, History, Indigenous communities, Landscapes

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Qu’as-tu fait de mon pays? Tanite nene etutamin nitassi?

Qu’as-tu fait de mon pays? Tanite nene etutamin nitassi?

This novel tells the story of the dispossession of indigenous peoples and the abuses of the colonial system in the form of a philosophical tale. In this work, An Antane Kapesh, the first Innu author, interprets the forest and those who endured colonial history in their flesh and their dignity and explains the world as it was before colonization.

Subjects: Colonization, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu territory

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Qummut qukiria!: art, culture, and sovereignty across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi : mobilizing the circumpolar north

Qummut qukiria!: art, culture, and sovereignty across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi : mobilizing the circumpolar north

Qummut Qukiria! celebrates art and culture within and beyond traditional Inuit and Sámi homelands in the Circumpolar Arctic — from the recovery of traditional practices such as storytelling and skin sewing to the development of innovative new art forms such as throatboxing (a hybrid of traditional Inuit throat singing and beatboxing). In this illuminating book, curators, scholars, artists, and activists from Inuit Nunangat, Kalaallit Nunaat, Sápmi, Canada, and Scandinavia address topics as diverse as Sámi rematriation and the revival of the ládjogahpir (a traditional woman’s headgear), the experience of bringing Inuit stone carving to a workshop for inner-city youth, and the decolonizing potential of Traditional Knowledge and its role in contemporary design and beyond. Qummut Qukiria! showcases the thriving art and culture of the Indigenous Circumpolar peoples in the present and demonstrates its importance for the revitalization of language, social well-being, and cultural identity (Igloliorte, H. L., Lundström, J.-E., & Hudson, A. (2022). Qummut qukiria!: Art, culture, and sovereignty across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi: Mobilizing the circumpolar north. Goose Lane Editions)

Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Circumpolar North, Cultural identity, Indigenous art, Indigenous artists, Indigenous languages, Inuit

Racism, colonialism, and indigeneity in Canada: a reader

Racism, colonialism, and indigeneity in Canada: a reader

A collection of essays by Indigenous scholars discussing and examining the impacts on racism and settler colonialism on Indigenous communities in what is now called “Canada.” (Martin J. Cannon, Lina Sunseri eds, Don Mills, Oxford University Press, 2018, 263 p. )

Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Adaptive Management

Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Adaptive Management

Article that considers indigenous traditional knowledge and practices to ensure ecosystem management. (F. Berkes et al., Ecological Applications, vol. 10, no 5, 2000.)

Subjects: Environment, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Reference encyclopedia of the American Indian

Reference encyclopedia of the American Indian

Presentation of treaties made with more than 500 Indigenous peoples or Indigenous groups regarding land sharing, self-government, cultural protection and financial assistance.

Subjects: Bibliography, Economy, Education, Health, Indigenous communities, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Resurgence and reconciliation: indigenous settler-relations and earth teachings

Resurgence and reconciliation: indigenous settler-relations and earth teachings

From a multidisciplinary approach, this book seeks to analyse and criticize the two schools of thought, resurgence and reconciliation, that seek to improve and guide Indigenous-settler relations in what is now called Canada. Contibutions by settler and Indigenous authors. (Michael Asch, John Borrows, James Tully eds, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2018, 369 p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, Decolonization, Indigenous authors

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Rethinking the Great White North: race, nature, and the geographies of whiteness in Canada

Rethinking the Great White North: race, nature, and the geographies of whiteness in Canada

Rethinking the Great White North takes a multi-disciplinary approach to deconstructing Canada’s imaginary north. By exploring Canada’s historical geography, the book discusses how racism and whiteness have shaped the country’s identity and systems. (Audrey Kobayashi, Andrew Baldwin, Laura Cameron, Vancouver, UBC Press, c2011, 343 p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, Decolonization, Imaginary North

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Returning to the teachings: exploring aboriginal justice

Returning to the teachings: exploring aboriginal justice

This book discusses traditional Indigenous knowledge and teachings as a way of both decolonizing the Canadian justice system and assisting Indigenous communities to heal from their traumas. (Rupert Ross, Toronto, Penguin, 2006, 300 p. )

Subjects: Decolonization, Indigenous peoples, Justice

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Rhetoric and settler inertia: strategies of Canadian decolonization

Rhetoric and settler inertia: strategies of Canadian decolonization

This book explores the ways that communication can help the process of decolonizing what is now called “Canada,” highlighting both settler and Indigenous audiences. (Patrick Belanger, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2019, 149 p.)


Subjects: Decolonization, Indian residential schools

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Russian Arctic Seas: Navigational conditions and accidents

Russian Arctic Seas: Navigational conditions and accidents

Bilingual (Russian–English) accounts of activities in the Russian Arctic seas that have resulted in accidents. Specifically, the physical environment and navigation issues in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas. Half of the book is devoted to detailed descriptions of nearly 100 accidents caused by heavy ice conditions since 1900. The accidents are categorized according to type and cause, e.g., shipwrecks, forced drift (ice jets in one particular case), overwintering, and various types of vessel damage.

Subjects: Earth sciences, Environmental sciences, Oceanography, Russia

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Engineering and Technology
Sanaaq : an Inuit novel

Sanaaq : an Inuit novel

This novel by Mitiarjuk Nappaaluk (transliterated and translated from Inuktitut to English) recounts the fortunes and misfortunes of Sanaaq before and after the arrival of the first whites in Inuit country. Mitiarjuk allows the reader to discover, as no Westerner anthropologist has yet been able to do it, the life and psychology of the Inuit confronted with extreme nature, the need for sharing and the invasion of their territory by white people and their civilization.

Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Saqiyuq: stories from the lives of three Inuit women

Saqiyuq: stories from the lives of three Inuit women

Through the stories of three Inuit women over three generations, Saqiyuq discusses the colonization of the North and the Inuit communities’ struggles to maintain and reclaim traditional knowledge and practices. (Nancy Wachowich ; in collaboration with Apphia Agalakti Awa, Rhoda Kaukjak Katsak, and Sandra Pikujak Katsak, Montreal, McGill Queen’s University Press, 1999, 309 p.)

Subjects: Colonization, Indigenous women, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain