
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

First Peoples of the North

This collection is developed for Native communities​ and both for students and researchers in Native Studies. It brings together a selection of varied and high-quality resources dedicated, in whole or in part, to First Peoples of the North, including the Northern First Nations and Inuit.

Most of the information resources listed are free of charge and freely available. Restricted access resources are only accessible to mentionned universities’ members, but can however be consulted on site.

To consult the various categories and subcategories that this collection contains, use the filter Collection.


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Dictionary of Native American literature

Dictionary of Native American literature

Dictionary covering the historical emergence of Native American writers (up to 1800) and the Native American Renaissance (1967–). Features bio-critical essays and theme-based articles related to topics such as Native American songs and legends.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Indigenous peoples

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Dictionnaire atikamekw

Dictionnaire atikamekw

Dictionary produced by the Atikamekw Nation Council and Carleton University presenting more than 12,000 words in Atikamekw with their French equivalents.

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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Dictionnaire français-cri

Dictionnaire français-cri

A dictionary of the Quebec Cree dialect spoken by the Cree on the East Coast of James Bay and in some communities inland.

Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, James Bay, Northern Quebec

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Dictionnaire montagnais-français

Dictionnaire montagnais-français

Innu language dictionary compiled from sources in the community of Betsiamites (Pessamit) on Quebec’s North Shore.

Do not enter my soul in your shoes : poems

Do not enter my soul in your shoes : poems

This first collection of poems by Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, Innu native of Pessamit on the North Shore of Quebec, is a dive into the female body, accompanied by a poetic reflection on exile and the feeling of love. It has received critical acclaim and won the 2013 Société des Ecrivains Francophones d’Amérique Award of Excellence

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu, Poetry

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    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
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Early Books in Aboriginal Languages : Witnesses of Founding Cultures (BAnQ)

Early Books in Aboriginal Languages : Witnesses of Founding Cultures (BAnQ)

Published between 1556 and 1900, these works contain concrete traces of the linguistic heritage of the first Aboriginal peoples who inhabited what is now Quebec: Iroquoian languages (including Mohawk and Wendat), Algonquian (including Algonquin, Abenaki, Cree, Innu, Mi’kmaq) as well as Inuktitut. These are alphabet books, syllabaries, grammars, dictionaries, lexicons, reading books and other textbooks. This collection also sheds light on the history of relations between indigenous communities and European settlers.

  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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Early encounters in North America : peoples, cultures, and the environment

Early encounters in North America : peoples, cultures, and the environment

Letters, stories, accounts and images from more than 1400 authors about the first contacts between First Peoples and Europeans, between 1534 and 1850. Provides access to documents by people, places, years, type of environments, etc.

Subjects: Colonialism, Europe, First contact, Indigenous peoples, Primary Sources

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Eastern James Bay Cree-English-French Dictionary

Eastern James Bay Cree-English-French Dictionary

A dictionary created by EastCree.Org, a non-profit partnership between the Cree School Board and Prof. Marie-Odile Junker at Carleton University, Ottawa.

Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, James Bay

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Encyclopedia of American Indian History

Encyclopedia of American Indian History

A four-volume encyclopedia set on the key events, places, and figures in Native American history, from human origins to present-day controversies. ULaval

Subjects: History, Indigenous peoples

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Encyclopedia of Native American Artists

Encyclopedia of Native American Artists

Encyclopedia featuring the work and lives of over 70 Indigenous artists and crafters specializing in sculpture, painting, photography, weaving, basketry, and pottery.

Encyclopedia of North American Indians

Encyclopedia of North American Indians

Encyclopedia featuring articles by 260 specialists on the tribes, main languages, key figures, historic events, and other topics related to North American Indigenous Peoples.


Subjects: History, Indigenous languages, Indigenous peoples

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English-Innu dictionary/Innu-English dictionnary

English-Innu dictionary/Innu-English dictionnary

A two-volume dictionary set of the Innu language, featuring dialects spoken in Quebec and Labrador.

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Innu, Innu dialects, Innu dictionary, Innu language, Innu-aimun

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Environmental Law, Sustainable Development and Food Security in Nunavik

Environmental Law, Sustainable Development and Food Security in Nunavik

Chapter dealing with environmental laws related to sustainable development in Nunavik. (Paule Halley et Marie-Josée Verrault, chapitre 10 de Sustainable Food Security in the Arctic, State of Knowledge, Québec/Edmonton, GÉTIC Université Laval/Canadian Circumpolar Institute University of Alberta, 2002, p. 177-188.)

Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Law, Sustainable development, Northern Quebec, Nunavik

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  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory (BAnQ)

Originally published in 1894 as a part of the eleventh annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, this reissue of Lucien M. Turner’s classic book chronicles his observations of Indigenous culture on his journey along the Quebec-Labrador coast and during his stay in Fort-Chimo towards the end of the 19th century.

Subjects: Culture, Exploration, Innu, Innu-aitun, Inuit

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  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu : Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

In this novel, Antane Kapesh wrote to preserve and share her culture, experience, and knowledge, all of which, she felt, were disappearing at an alarming rate because many Elders – like herself – were aged or dying. She wanted to publicly denounce the conditions in which she and the Innu were made to live, and to address the changes she was witnessing due to land dispossession and loss of hunting territory, police brutality, and the effects of the residential school system.

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Eye on the Arctic (Radio-Canada International)

Eye on the Arctic (Radio-Canada International)

Videos and news articles by journalists from the world’s circumpolar countries, reporting about Arctic climate change and reality of Arctic communities and peoples.

Subjects: CBC, Documentaries, Television programs, Reports, Videos

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  • Type of access
    • Free - Open Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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Fatty Legs: A True Story

Fatty Legs: A True Story

A memoir of Margaret Pokiak-Fenton’s experience at a northern Residential School. (Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, Toronto, Annick Press, 104 p.)

Subjects: Indian residential schools

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  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Fichier de limites cartographique de Statistiques Canada (2016) (Géoindex)

Fichier de limites cartographique de Statistiques Canada (2016) (Géoindex)

A collection of 13 layers of geospatial data representing the boundaries of census data release units by Statistics Canada. When used in conjunction with census data, these files are useful for thematic mapping.

Subjects: Cartography, Census, Geospatial data

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First Nation Profile Interactive Map (Gouvernement du Canada)

First Nation Profile Interactive Map (Gouvernement du Canada)

Map of Indigenous communities in Canada, with access to information about them.

Subjects: Band councils, Indigenous peoples, Maps, Reserves

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First Nation Profiles (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)

First Nation Profiles (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)

Profiles of Canada’s First Nations containing general information on reserves, governance, federal funding, geography, population statistics, etc.

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