
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal

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A history of the Arctic : nature, exploration and exploitation

A history of the Arctic : nature, exploration and exploitation

A history of the Arctic, from prehistoric times to the present, including an examination of Indigenous Peoples, polar exploration, political and environmental issues, and climate change. (John McCannon, London : Reaktion Books, 2012, 349 p.)

Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Climate change, Exploration, History, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
Aboriginal autonomy and development in northern Quebec and Labrador

Aboriginal autonomy and development in northern Quebec and Labrador

This book contains a collection of essays that discuss topics of decolonization in Northern Quebec and Labrador. The book covers past and current trauma and issues that indigenous communities face in this region, as well as exploring topics of community healing, and territorial and cultural autonomy. (Colin Scott ed., Vancouver, UBC Press, 2001, 436 p.)

Subjects: Decolonization, Indigenous authors, Labrador, Northern Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) (Statistics Canada) (Statistics Canada)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) (Statistics Canada) (Statistics Canada)

APS raw survey data for 2001, 2006, 2012, and 2017 available via the ODESI portal.

Subjects: Canada, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Aboriginal Populations : Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives

Aboriginal Populations : Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives

Maps and compares the social, demographic and health conditions of indigenous peoples of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the circumpolar North.

Subjects: Demography, Epidemiology, Health, Indigenous peoples, Maps

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Adresse Québec (Géoindex)

Adresse Québec (Géoindex)

Collection of 8 layers of geospatial data illustrating roads, addresses, and postal codes.

Subjects: Geospatial data, Addresses, Postal codes, Quebec, Roads

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
Alberta elders’ Cree dictionary = Alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan

Alberta elders’ Cree dictionary = Alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan

Dictionary of the Cree language with English–Cree and Cree–English sections.

Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
America: History & Life

America: History & Life

Main private database (EBSCO) devoted to the history of Canada and the United States, with over 1,700 indexed journals. Significant content on the history of Indigenous Peoples, colonization, and exploration of the North. Features controlled vocabulary, via its index, that includes geographic terms.

Subjects: Colonization, Exploration, History, Indigenous peoples, Northern Canada

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
An Encyclopedia of Inuit traditional life (Sivulitta piusituqangit)

An Encyclopedia of Inuit traditional life (Sivulitta piusituqangit)

Taamusi Qumaq Allatangit

Encyclopedia devoted to Inuit customs and traditions as well as the wildlife of Northern Quebec. Includes text in syllabic font.

Subjects: Animals, Customs, Indigenous peoples, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Annie Muktuk and other stories

Annie Muktuk and other stories

In this notorious novel, Norma Dunning portrays the unvarnished realities of northern life through gritty characters who find themselves in difficult situations. Her stories challenge southern perceptions of the north and Inuit life through evocative, nuanced voices accented with Inuktitut words and symbolism.

Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Anthropology Plus

Anthropology Plus

Main private database (EBSCO) devoted to anthropology, with references to journals from the 19th century to today. Also covers the fields of archeology, ethnology, folklore, material culture, and art history. It boasts rich content in Indigenous studies as well as a controlled vocabulary that allows users to search articles based on region and specific First Peoples.

Subjects: Anthropology, Archeology, Ethnology, Folklore, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Arctic labyrinth : The quest for the Northwest Passage

Arctic labyrinth : The quest for the Northwest Passage

Documentary work describing the many attempts of maritime expeditions to discover a passage leading from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. (Glyndwr Williams, Toronto, Viking Canada, 2009, 440 p.)

Subjects: Exploration, History, John Franklin, Navigation, Northwest Passage

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Atlas of the North American Indian

Atlas of the North American Indian

Atlas with a focus on the history, migrations, conflicts, lifestyles, and location of Indigenous Peoples in North America. Content related to Northern Canada and Alaska.

Subjects: Alaska, Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Maps, Northern Canada

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Base de données pour aménagement du territoire (BDAT) nord (Géoindex)

Base de données pour aménagement du territoire (BDAT) nord (Géoindex)

Collection of 22 layers of geospatial data providing an overview of northern land occupancy.

Subjects: Cartography, Geospatial data, Land occupancy, Land use planning, Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Bassins hydrographiques du Québec à l’échelle 1/250000 (Géoindex)

Bassins hydrographiques du Québec à l’échelle 1/250000 (Géoindex)

A collection of 7 layers of geospatial data showing Quebec’s watersheds.

Subjects: Cartography, Geospatial data, Watershed area, Watersheds, Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals (BAnQ)

Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals (BAnQ)

This annotated, bilingual bibliography takes stock of magazines, journals, newspapers and newsletters published by or about the Inuit of Canada for over 100 years – more specifically since the publication of the very first Canadian periodical in Inuktitut, Aglait Illunainortut, in Labrador. in 1902.

Subjects: Bibliography, Inuit

  • Type of access
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
Bibliography of Native North Americans

Bibliography of Native North Americans

Database containing over 300,000 records of journal articles, books, and government reports on Indigenous issues, including the themes of history, archeology, culture, governance, and intercultural relations. Its controlled vocabulary allows users to search by geographic region or Indigenous nation.

Subjects: Archeology, History, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Bleuets et abricots

Bleuets et abricots

In Bleuets et apricots, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine’s poems bring to the fore the voices of indigenous women who stand up against the wounds of colonization. With the blueberry, native fruit of the Nordic territory, and the large apricots of Haiti, she invites dialogue, reconciliation and links that enrich peoples. This work earned her a nomination as a finalist for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal.

Subjects: Côte-Nord, Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous literature, Innu, Innu-aitun

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
    • Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
Brave new Arctic : The untold story of the melting North

Brave new Arctic : The untold story of the melting North

Scientific adventures by Arctic geographer and climatologist Mark C. Serreze demonstrating that the transformation of the Arctic is the harbinger of the global warming and its unprecedented consequences. (Mark C. Serreze, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018, 255 p.)

Subjects: Climate change, Environmental changes, Geobotany

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Cadre écologique de référence du Québec (CERQ) (Géoindex)

Cadre écologique de référence du Québec (CERQ) (Géoindex)

A collection of 4 layers of geospatial data showing ecological classification of the land and allowing users to assess its potential and constraints, and the fragility of its ecosystems.

Subjects: Cartography, Ecological classification, Geospatial data, Quebec

  • Type of access
    • Reserved Access
  • Domain
    • Natural Sciences
Canada and Colonial Genocide

Canada and Colonial Genocide

This volume offers scholarly analyses on the process of settler colonialism and its effects on the Indigenous communities within what is now called “Canada.” It covers various forms of colonial violence including residential schools, repressive governmental policy, ecological destruction, etc. (Andrew Woolford and Jeff Benvenuto eds., London, Routledge, 2017, 126 p.)

Subjects: Colonialism, Colonization, Indigenous authors, Indigenous peoples

  • Type of access
    • Printed document
  • Domain
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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