The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Aboriginal Statistics at a Glance (Statistics Canada)
A Statistics Canada thematic guide to data on Indigenous Peoples.
Subjects: Canada, Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Aimun-Mashinaikan: Innu Dictionary
Dictionary produced by Institut Tshakapesh containing 30,000 Innu words and expressions from all the dialects spoken in Quebec and Labrador.
Subjects: Innu, Innu dictionary, Innu language, Innu-aimun, Institut Tshakapesh, Labrador, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Algonquian Linguistics Atlas
Interactive map of Canada’s Algonquian languages, many of which are spoken in northern Indigenous communities.
Subjects: Alaska, Algonquins, Linguistic, Maps
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research
Arctic research continues to operate in a colonial framework and with an academic mindset that largely privileges the interests of southern institutions and fails to address Northern societal needs and issues, in particular those experienced in Inuit communities. We have seen research principles go from research on Inuit to research with Inuit, but it is high time we witnessed research by Inuit for Inuit. If research informs policy, and policy arguably leads to change, Inuit need to have a say in how research in Inuit Nunangat (Inuit homelands) is governed to better their lives. This piece filters such matters through the eyes of an Inuk, offering insights into current Arctic research governance, and maps out some of the solutions and opportunities for altering it in the interests of Inuit communities. (Pfeifer, P. (2019). “An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research.” Arctic Focus. [originally published by Northern Public Affairs, 2018])
Subjects: Canadian arctic, Inuit, Research ethics, Research methodologies, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Approche panterritoriale de la science (Gouvernement du Yukon, Gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et Gouvernement du Nunavut)
Presentation of an over-arching vision for northern science and the roles of the territorial governments and teaching and research institutes in the field.
Subjects: Arctic sciences, Nunavut, Research, Northwest Territories, Yukon
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Center / Arctic region : Basic information about the Arctic (Arctic Centre. University of Lapland)
General information on various aspects of the Arctic, including Indigenous peoples, climate change, international cooperation, flora and fauna, mapping, etc.
(Arctic Centre. University of Lapland. 2020. «Basic information about the Arctic». URL [])
Subjects: Arctic fauna, Arctic flora, Cartography, Circumpolar Arctic, Climate change, Indigenous peoples
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Geobotanical Atlas (University of Alaska)
Collection of maps illustrating the distribution of vegetation in the Arctic.
Subjects: Alaska, Atlas, Geobotany, Maps, Vegetation
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Health Publications Database
Articles, reports, conference proceedings, and grey literature on the health of peoples of the North. Some publications are freely available.
Subjects: Environmental health, Food security, Indigenous peoples, Traditional medicine, Mental health
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences

Arctic Portal Library
Collection of a thousand documents (books, articles, images, legal documents, etc.) published by the Arctic Council or the University of the Arctic, or as part of International Polar Year 2007-2008. A significant part of the collection is freely accessible.
Subjects: Culture, Education, Environmental sciences, Indigenous peoples, Law, Natural Resources
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Research Mapping Application
A Web application that allows users to view the locations of Arctic research projects funded by the United States.
Subjects: Cartography, Maps, United States, Research
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Science (NRC Research Press)
This interdisciplinary journal publishes original research from all areas of natural science and applied science and engineering related to northern polar regions. (NRC Research Press and Canadian Science Publishing, 2015 to the present.)
Subjects: Arctic sciences
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Tools (Gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis)
Page with links to resources, including interactive mapping applications and datasets, to help understand, analyze, and assess the vulnerabilities and resilience of Arctic systems to climate variability and climate change.
Subjects: Cartography, Circumpolar North, Climate change, Climate variability, Geospatial data
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

Arctic Variety (Arctic Centre. University of Lapland)
This book explores daily life in the Arctic in various professions and regions of Finland, such as tourism, design, economy, navigation, education, healthcare, research and diplomacy. (Marjo Laukkanen & Markku Heikkilä, Rovaniemi (Finland), Arctic Centre. University of Lapland, 100 p.)
Subjects: Arctic sciences, Arts, Economy, Finland, Navigation, Politics
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research)
This international journal publishes interdisciplinary research on cold region environments, including ecology, climatology, glaciology, and biogeochemistry. (Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research: An Interdisciplinary Journal,1999 to the present.)
Subjects: Arctic sciences
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

Arctic: journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (Arctic Institute of North America)
Arctic is Canada’s premier research journal, publishing the results of scientific inquiry from all areas of circumpolar scholarship. Its subject matter is multidisciplinary and each issue includes book reviews. (Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, 1948 to the present.)
Subjects: Arctic sciences, Canadian arctic, Circumpolar Arctic, Research with Indigenous peoples
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

ArcticNet Publications Database (ASTIS)
Cites over 3,800 publications from the ArcticNet network that cover natural sciences, health sciences, and social sciences.
Subjects: ArcticNet, Climate change, Hydrology, Oceanography
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

ArcticStat (Université Laval)
Socio-economic statistics on Arctic countries and inhabitants.
Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Demographic statistics, Education, Income, Socio-economic Statistics
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Arthur Lamothe Collection (BAnQ)
Filmmaker Arthur Lamothe has devoted most of his work to raising awareness of the First Peoples of Quebec, mainly the Innu and their culture. This collection covers two of his documentaries shot in the 1970s: “Amerindian Culture” and “Previous Memory”. Through 81 short films, various subjects are discussed, including snowshoe making and butchering moose.
Subjects: Cultural identity, Innu, Innu territory
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

An Arctic Institute of North America resource featuring 16 databases containing publication and research project references about northern Canada.
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Atlas climatique des glaces de mer pour les eaux du Nord canadien, 1981 à 2010
Atlas showing average and maximum statistics for ice coverage in the Canadian Arctic and Hudson Bay.
Subjects: Atlas, Canadian arctic, Hudson Bay, Ice, Maps
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences