The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal
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Aboriginal autonomy and development in northern Quebec and Labrador
This book contains a collection of essays that discuss topics of decolonization in Northern Quebec and Labrador. The book covers past and current trauma and issues that indigenous communities face in this region, as well as exploring topics of community healing, and territorial and cultural autonomy. (Colin Scott ed., Vancouver, UBC Press, 2001, 436 p.)
Subjects: Decolonization, Indigenous authors, Labrador, Northern Quebec
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Aimun-Mashinaikan: Innu Dictionary
Dictionary produced by Institut Tshakapesh containing 30,000 Innu words and expressions from all the dialects spoken in Quebec and Labrador.
Subjects: Innu, Innu dictionary, Innu language, Innu-aimun, Institut Tshakapesh, Labrador, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Arctica, oeuvres 3 : Nunavut, Nunavik : Arctique central canadien et nord-québécois
In 1968, Jean Malaurie conducted a field survey in Quebec with four specialists to study the living conditions of the Inuit, in anticipation of the creation of the Nunavik territory. The analyses and recommendations of his pro-Native report are collected, as well as articles published since the 1960s devoted to the defence of Canada’s Arctic minorities. (Jean Malaurie, Paris, CNRS, 2020, 406 p.)
Subjects: Inuit, Northern Quebec, Social sciences, Northwest Territories
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - BAnQ Subscribers
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles, books, briefs, theses, and research reports on the Indigenous peoples of Quebec (in French only). Some publications are freely available.
Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Health Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Cartes topographiques des villages autochtones du nord (2009-2011) à l’échelle de 1/2 000 (BDVN-2K) (Géoindex)
A collection of 22 layers of geospatial data comprising a valuable geographic reference tool for organizations working in these regions.
Subjects: Topographic maps, Northern Quebec, Topography, Villages
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Census Profile , 2016 Census (Statistics Canada) (Statistics Canada)
All census variables for northern Canada (territories) and northern Quebec (economic regions)
Subjects: Census, Indigenous peoples, Northern Canada, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Couche de la végétation du Nord québécois (Géoindex)
A collection of 2 layers of geospatial data illustrating settlements and logging roads between the 53rd and 55th parallels.
Subjects: Forest stands, Forestry roads, Geospatial data, Northern Quebec, Vegetation
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

Cree Vision of Plan Nord
Presentation of the Cree people’s vision of the Northern Plan, including issues of governance, environmental protection, mining, economic development, transportation, tourism, and Cree culture and identity. (Cree Nations of Eeyou Istchee, 2011, 115 p.)
Subjects: Cree, Indigenous authors, Indigenous communities, Indigenous peoples, Northern Quebec, Plan Nord
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Dictionnaire français-cri
A dictionary of the Quebec Cree dialect spoken by the Cree on the East Coast of James Bay and in some communities inland.
Subjects: Cree, Cree dictionary, Cree language, Indigenous peoples, James Bay, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Environmental Law, Sustainable Development and Food Security in Nunavik
Chapter dealing with environmental laws related to sustainable development in Nunavik. (Paule Halley et Marie-Josée Verrault, chapitre 10 de Sustainable Food Security in the Arctic, State of Knowledge, Québec/Edmonton, GÉTIC Université Laval/Canadian Circumpolar Institute University of Alberta, 2002, p. 177-188.)
Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Law, Sustainable development, Northern Quebec, Nunavik
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

First Nations of Quebec and Labrador sustainable development strategy
Report addressing the issues (culture, languages, natural resources, economic development, governance) related to the issue of sustainable development among the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador. (Catherine Johnson et Suzy Basile, First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute, 2006, 29 p.)
Subjects: Indigenous authors, Indigenous peoples, Labrador, Sustainable development, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

GéoInfo – Territoire nordique (Gouvernement du Québec)
Compilation of data on Northern Quebec, some of which is freely accessible.
Subjects: Cartography, Geospatial data, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Reference only
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences

Historical maps: Circumpolar North (BAnQ)
Corpus of ancient maps of various kinds that represent the greater circumpolar region.
Subjects: Circumpolar North, Northern Quebec, Nouveau-Québec, Nunavik
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Images du Nord et de l’Arctique
Photographs and postcards of the Université Laval library, representing First Nations and Inuit, settlers, missionaries, explorers and landscapes from Canada’s Arctic and Northern Quebec. Includes photographs of the Judicial Expedition in 1923 at Pond Inlet (Baffin Island), with Captain Bernier.
Subjects: Canadian arctic, Indigenous peoples, Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, Postcards, Missionaries, Northern Quebec, Photographs
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

La nordicité du Québec : entretiens avec Louis-Edmond Hamelin
Interviews with the father of nordicity on the major themes that shaped his singular intellectual approach: Northern Quebec, Indigenous Peoples, winter and the creation of words to describe the cold world. (Louis-Edmond Hamelin, Jean Désy, Daniel Chartier, Robert Fréchette, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014, 141 p.)
Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Linguistic, Winter, Northern Quebec, Nordicity
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Le Nord : habitants et mutations
Historical atlas with rich textual content about the inhabitants of the North (people of the North Shore, Innu, Cree, Naskapi, and Inuit), exploration of the territory, and its maps, as well as industrialization of the region.
Subjects: Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Maps, Migration, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Printed document
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Le Québec économique – Côte-Nord et Nord-du-Québec (CIRANO)
Economic statistics on the Côte-Nord and Nord-du-Québec administrative regions.
Subjects: Côte-Nord, Economy, Northern Quebec, Socio-economic Statistics
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

Mise bas du caribou (Géoindex)
This layer shows the location of caribou calving grounds north of the 52nd parallel.
Subjects: Calving grounds, Caribou, Geospatial data, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Reserved Access
- Domain
- Natural Sciences

Nametau Innu Glossary
Glossary of the Innu language in English and French. Produced by Musée régional de la Côte-Nord.
Subjects: Innu, Innu dictionary, Innu language, Innu-aimun, Labrador, Northern Quebec
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Humanities and Social Sciences

NFB / Géographie et géologie – Arctique canadien (National Film Board of Canada)
Selection of National Film Board of Canada films, by subject. Some of the films listed here are freely available.
Subjects: Canadian arctic, Documentaries, Films, Indigenous peoples, Labrador, Northern Quebec, Nunavut, NFB, Northwest Territories, Videos, Yukon
- Category.s
- Type of access
- Free - Open Access
- Domain
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences